essay writing help

Getting Powerful Persuasive Essay Thesis Statement Examples for Free

The thesis statement of an essay is generally quite short. Very rarely will you find one that takes up more than a couple of lines and the majority last only one sentence. Regardless, you need to write this line with power so that it hooks the reader early one and makes him or her want to stay with you to the conclusion. This is a skill that comes over time with practice but you can speed up the learning process for yourself by collecting a number of samples and referring to their best qualities to create your own style. Here are a few methods that you can use to get the sample statements you require without putting yourself into any financial expense:

Get a writing club together

The purpose of this exercise is to form a group with other students who are interested in getting much better at writing. If you all resolve to create a paper, essay or other academic document every week, you will all be able to each others work progress over time. Through the giving and receiving of well thought out critiques and suggestions, the writing produced by all members will become stronger and these improvements will filter down to thesis statements. Unless you only choose members interested in financial gain above academic improvement, this should be free.

Look for freebies on sites that usually charge for content

The good thing about searching for a sample thesis statement is that it forms such a tiny portion of the essay that you may be able to access one without paying from a site that usually requires payment. Academic content creation sites may require that you pay for everything except for their sample section which is likely to contain essays of all varieties. Academic databases may not allow you to buy custom created content but they host content that has been grouped based on its academic excellence. You can access only small portions of this for free, usually only the first few paragraphs. This is where the thesis statement is.

Ask your teacher to provide you with a few

A teacher that sees students in need of greater direction may provide a good sample statement or two to ensure that assignments are well done. If your teacher doesn’t do this without being asked, make a request.

You can write the type of thesis statement that your essay requires and use it to create highly persuasive work.